Friday, June 29, 2012

June 23rd/June 24th Pictures (Day of Travel)

On the way to Memphis on Friday, the 23rd.

Mum and Dad on the 23rd

Dad driving to Memphis on the 23rd

Mum and Dad on the 23rd (Not at a good angle to get a good picture of just Mum)

The large amount of bags that would make people think I was NOT the only one traveling. :3

A call out to philosophy through a barbeque place. :P (See how it says "Epicurean??")

This is obviously extremely early on Saturday, the 24th, because I'm stupid-happy and David is ねむい...

Another goofy one. (Both of these were taken at the gate of our first flight from MEM to DFW.)

My ticket!

Outside the Memphis airport. We beat the sun up. Don't worry. He was still okay. And he got his revenge the rest of the day....

Another picture of outside the airport.

Window seat! This is one of the many reasons I LOVE flying.

Out the window #2

Window picture 三番 (#3) and you can see frost on the right hand corner.

The ground (which just looks like some lens or window problems.... >.>) hahaha

Landing in Dallas, TX

Still landing in Dallas, TX

David saw what looked to be a ThunderCat (HO!!) on the wing of the plane. Can you see it, too? :D

Our plane at the gate!

On the plane! (Already gearing up for the awesomeness that is Japan!)

My screen was broken... x.x But it was a touchscreen implanted in the back of the seat in front of me that I could watch movies on, play games on, follow the flight path on, etc. (And yes, that's in Japanese, and no, I could NOT read that...)

The awesome retractable remote in the arm of my chair! (It ended up being a nuisance because I'd rest my arm there and suddenly the volume would turn down or something...)

Canadian mountains (the name of which I do not know and that are snow-capped!!)

Canadian sky/atmosphere
More Canadian mountains!

More Canadian sky/atmosphere and some ground

Alaskan ground/sky? (Maybe?) (38000 feet, I think?)

Alaskan sky/atmosphere (Maybe?)

Pacific sky/atmosphere/Ocean (Maybe?)

More Pacific sky/atmosphere/Ocean?

Definitely Pacific Ocean/sky!

Definitely Pacific Ocean/sky/ atmosphere!

Delicious pizza dinner of the plane's. It was so awesome, I took a picture. And they actually OVER fed us on that plane! I was freaking hording food like a squirrel! >.<

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